Monday, July 11, 2011

Supermodel Bar Refaeli Urged By Israeli Extremist Group To Dump Leonardo DiCaprio

Supermodel Bar Refaeli should not marry boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio, an Israeli nationalist group has said. The 24-year-old catwalk beauty has already denied rumors she is engaged to the "Titanic" star, but the activists in her native land still urges her to reconsider her relationship with him.
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Baruch Marzel sent her a beseeching letter on behalf of the organization called Lehava, which means "flame" in Hebrew and also the acronym for "Preventing Assimilation in the Holy Land."
In the letter, Marzel is asking Refaeli to ditch DiCaprio and reconsider marrying a Jewish boy instead.
It reads: "It is not by chance that you were born Jewish. Your grandmother and her grandmother did not dream that one of their descendants would one day remove the family's future generations from the Jewish people. Assimilation has forever been one of the enemies of the Jewish people."
Though he stressed that he has "nothing against Mr. DiCaprio, who I have no doubt is a talented actor," he is still not the husband-material for a Jewish girl like Refaeili. Marzel said it's not what the Hollywood superstar is, but what he isn't.
He concluded, "Come to your senses, look forward and back too - and not only the present. Don't marry Leonardo DiCaprio, don't harm the future generations."


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